Paul Okoye, widely known as Rudeboy from the celebrated music duo Psquare, and his wife, Ivy Ifeoma, joyously dedicated their daughter, Imani, on Sunday, January 5, 2025. The heartfelt ceremony took place at The Elevation Church in Lekki, Lagos, with close family members and friends in attendance.
The event marked a significant milestone for the couple, who welcomed Imani in October 2024 in the United States. Paul and Ivy were surrounded by love and support, with Paul’s older brother, Jude Okoye, and his wife, Ifeoma, joining in the celebration. Notably, Paul’s twin brother, Peter Okoye, was absent, sparking conversations among fans about the brothers’ relationship.
Photos and videos from the dedication were shared on social media, capturing the joy and gratitude of the Okoye family. The couple expressed their happiness and thanked everyone who attended and supported them during this special occasion.
The dedication ceremony was not only a beautiful family gathering but also a testament to the love and unity within the Okoye family. As Paul and Ivy continue their journey as proud parents, this event stands as a cherished memory for all involved.
For a closer look at the celebration, check out the video of the dedication: